Tēnā koutou katoa
Term 4 is well underway so I wanted to update you with a few events happening this term.

New Board of Trustees
Our new Board met for the first time on 27 October. We welcomed back 3 members, who were reappointed for another term; Craig Scott (Presiding Member), Eddie Norgate (Chair of Audit & Risk) and David Ivory. We welcomed newly appointed members Rachel Huggins and Nicola Leete. Jo Kennard was re-elected as Staff Trustee. Matthew McVicar was co-opted for a further term as past student trustee. 

NCEA Examinations
These begin  on 7 November and end on 2 December. Students wanting to sit external examinations should have this arranged with their SHS teacher. We wish all over those sitting the best for the next few weeks as they prepare and sit.

Accord Teacher Only Days
These will be held on 29 and 30 November. There will be no lessons on these days.

Principal's Awards Assembly
I would like to invite you to attend this assembly on Friday 2 December at 1.30 pm. This will be held both face to face and online. For details please talk with your SHS teacher.

School Closes for 2022
The last day for 2022 is 13 December.

School Opens for 2023
The first day for 2023 is 30 January.

I hope you are enjoying some milder (although unpredictable) spring weather and wish you well for the remainder of the school year.

Ngā mihi nui
Helen Mantell